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Delta #

Jay Bhattacharya on Twitter: “I’ve heard epis confidently assert that delta is x times more infectious than alpha (x large). Such assertions are built on a tower of unverified assumptions.Excellent piece by @phl43 discusses key uncertainties. / Twitter”

I’ve heard epis confidently assert that delta is x times more infectious than alpha (x large). Such assertions are built on a tower of unverified assumptions.Excellent piece by @phl43 discusses key uncertainties.

Dr. Christian Winter on Twitter: “Ich würde wirklich gerne nochmal verstehen, wie man die “Gefährlichkeit” von Varianten schätzen kann. In den Medien hält sich ja konstant das Mär der “hochansteckenden” Delta-Variante. Das entspricht nicht den Zahlen (aus 07/2021!). / Twitter”

Ich würde wirklich gerne nochmal verstehen, wie man die “Gefährlichkeit” von Varianten schätzen kann. In den Medien hält sich ja konstant das Mär der “hochansteckenden” Delta-Variante. Das entspricht nicht den Zahlen (aus 07/2021!).

Despite warnings of its high viral load & contagiousness, the UK’s most recent variant surveillance data (updated Oct 1) suggests Delta, with a SAR of 10.6%, is only marginally more transmissible than other strains & much less so than the original wildtype (at 16.6%)

Don Wolt on Twitter: “Despite warnings of its high viral load & contagiousness, the UK’s most recent variant surveillance data (updated Oct 1) suggests Delta, with a SAR of 10.6%, is only marginally more transmissible than other strains & much less so than the original wildtype (at 16.6%). / Twitter”

Despite warnings of its high viral load & contagiousness, the UK’s most recent variant surveillance data (updated Oct 1) suggests Delta, with a SAR of 10.6%, is only marginally more transmissible than other strains & much less so than the original wildtype (at 16.6%).

Jay Bhattacharya on Twitter: “UK data:Secondary attack rate in non-household settings from delta nearly identical to alpha variant:alpha ➡️ 5.6% [95% CI: 5.5% – 5.8%] delta ➡️ 5.2% [95% CI: 5.1% – 5.3%] Yes, more pop immunity since alpha, but is delta really more infectious? / Twitter”

UK data:Secondary attack rate in non-household settings from delta nearly identical to alpha variant:alpha ➡️ 5.6% [95% CI: 5.5% – 5.8%] delta ➡️ 5.2% [95% CI: 5.1% – 5.3%] Yes, more pop immunity since alpha, but is delta really more infectious?

Omicron #

Die zeitliche Abfolge: TKP

  • – 24.11. Südafrika stoppt Impfstofflieferungen
  • – 25.11. es wird bekannt, dass Namibia Impfstoff vernichtet, wegen fehlender Nachfrage
  • – 26.11. WHO ruft Omikron stammend aus südlichen Afrika zur Variant of Concern aus

Berliner Zeitung Facktcheck lauterbach – Aussage Omicron sein für Kinder gefährlicher ist faslch #

Faktencheck Lauterbach: Ist Omikron für Kinder gefährlich?

Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach behauptet, Omikron sei für Kinder „besonders bedrohlich”. Der Faktencheck zeigt: Das stimmt nicht.


Omicron verläuft milder #


LBC on Twitter: “”There’s no reason why you can’t trust us when we say to you ‘it’s mild disease!'”Dr Angelique Coetzee of the South African Medical Association details the Omicron situation in the country that alerted the world to the variant.@TomSwarbrick1 | #SwarbrickOnSunday / Twitter”

“There’s no reason why you can’t trust us when we say to you ‘it’s mild disease!'”Dr Angelique Coetzee of the South African Medical Association details the Omicron situation in the country that alerted the world to the variant.@TomSwarbrick1 | #SwarbrickOnSunday

LBC on Twitter: “”There’s no reason why you can’t trust us when we say to you ‘it’s mild disease!'”Dr Angelique Coetzee of the South African Medical Association details the Omicron situation in the country that alerted the world to the variant.@TomSwarbrick1 | #SwarbrickOnSunday / Twitter”

“There’s no reason why you can’t trust us when we say to you ‘it’s mild disease!'”Dr Angelique Coetzee of the South African Medical Association details the Omicron situation in the country that alerted the world to the variant.@TomSwarbrick1 | #SwarbrickOnSunday

Fälle in Afrika fallen stark #


SA – kaum Tote durch Omicron #