replace_huifu_code ADE – antibody dependent enhancement – Corona Wissen

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ADE – antibody dependent enhancement

< 1 min read

Infektionsverstärkende Antikörper (ADE) durch mRNA Impfstoffe reagieren stärker auf neue Varianten #

  • Neu Studie beschreibt infektionsverstärkende Antikörper die speziell den mit den aktuellen Corona mRNA Impfstoffen geimpften Menschen gefährlich werden könnten, weil diese Antikörper Infektionen durch die Delta Variante verstärken
Journal of Infection

Gabor Erdosi 🧩📄📊🧭 on Twitter: “Antibody depending enhancement was a threat that looked possible (or even likely) a year ago, based on experience with historical CoV vaccine attempts. Then it started to look like a non-issue during trials and early rollout. Now it’s back on the table. First described in… 1/7 / Twitter”

Antibody depending enhancement was a threat that looked possible (or even likely) a year ago, based on experience with historical CoV vaccine attempts. Then it started to look like a non-issue during trials and early rollout. Now it’s back on the table. First described in… 1/7