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Daten aus Israel

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In Israel gibt es mittlerweile mehr schwere Verläufe unter den Geimpften im Vergleich zu den ungeimpften #

  • Daten vom offiziellen IsraelMOH Telegramm-Account
  • Daten zeigen, dass fast alle schweren Fälle und Todesfälle jetzt unter den Geimpften sind
  • Da in Isreal rund 80% der Bevölkerung geimpft ist, würde man eigentlich erwarten, dass die meisten schweren Fälle aus der 20% Gruppe kommt
  • Zahl der schweren Fälle steigt schneller als die Zahl der Krankenhausaufenthalte insgesamt
  • Impfstoffe können wohl auch nicht schwere Verläufe verhindern
  • grün = geimpft / rot = nicht geimpft
  • immerhin kommt ein Analyst noch zu der Idee, dass die erkrankten geimpften schneller genesen (Thread)

Alex Berenson on Twitter: “The newest Israeli data indicate ~complete vaccine failure on every level. Remember: Israel used only the @pfizer mRNA shot and followed Pfizer dosing schedule. This data, from the @IsraelMOH telegram account, show nearly all serious cases and deaths are now among the vaccinated. / Twitter”

The newest Israeli data indicate ~complete vaccine failure on every level. Remember: Israel used only the @pfizer mRNA shot and followed Pfizer dosing schedule. This data, from the @IsraelMOH telegram account, show nearly all serious cases and deaths are now among the vaccinated.


Twitter Quelle: RanIsraeli
  • seit 26.6. gab es 177 Patienten auf ICU (Quelle)
    • davon 116 geimpft
    • und 57 ungeimpft
  • das entspricht ungefähr der Verteilung von geimpft vs ungeimpft

Laut israelischen Staatsfernsehen: 67% der schwer erkrankten Covid Patienten waren geimpft #

Kilez More ⏳ on Twitter: “🇮🇱 Israelisches Staatsfernsehen 🇮🇱An Covid schwer erkrankt:67% #Geimpfte33% #Ungeimpfte Sollte die #Impfung nicht genau das (schwerer Verlauf) verhindern?Es ist, wie der #Pfizer CEO sagte:”#Israel is the worlds lab” / Twitter”

🇮🇱 Israelisches Staatsfernsehen 🇮🇱An Covid schwer erkrankt:67% #Geimpfte33% #Ungeimpfte Sollte die #Impfung nicht genau das (schwerer Verlauf) verhindern?Es ist, wie der #Pfizer CEO sagte:”#Israel is the worlds lab”

Update 27.07.2021

Alex Berenson on Twitter: “Terrible news out of Israel today: new severe cases are now exploding. I TOLD YOU: there is no evidence that if the vaccines fail against mild infection they will not eventually fail against severe. That’s a theory; the clinical trials didn’t (and couldn’t) prove it. / Twitter”

Terrible news out of Israel today: new severe cases are now exploding. I TOLD YOU: there is no evidence that if the vaccines fail against mild infection they will not eventually fail against severe. That’s a theory; the clinical trials didn’t (and couldn’t) prove it.

In the past few days, the number of serious patients has rapidly increased, doubling in a week: from 61 last Tuesday to 125 on Monday night. Around 70% of them were people fully vaccinated, mostly elderly people or patients with pre-existing conditions

Israel might soon decide to give booster to the elderly
The Jerusalem Post

Alex Berenson on Twitter: “Israel now has 108 patients severely ill, five times as many as a month ago. 71% are fully vaccinated, a proportion that keeps rising. And remember the percentage of vaccinated elderly is closer to 90% than 100%. Getting hard to square these numbers with even moderate protection. / Twitter”

Israel now has 108 patients severely ill, five times as many as a month ago. 71% are fully vaccinated, a proportion that keeps rising. And remember the percentage of vaccinated elderly is closer to 90% than 100%. Getting hard to square these numbers with even moderate protection.

85% der Fälle bei vollständig geimpften Personen in Israel (4-10.07) #

Craig Kelly MP on Twitter: “THIS IS NOT WHAT THE BROCHURE PROMISED 🇮🇱ISRAEL, July 4 – July 101,736 new 🦠 cases in ages 20+85% of new cases of people ”fully 💉💉vaccinated”Could the Israeli’s apply for a refund from the💉 sellers ? If any other product failed like this, you’d want a refund💰 / Twitter”

THIS IS NOT WHAT THE BROCHURE PROMISED 🇮🇱ISRAEL, July 4 – July 101,736 new 🦠 cases in ages 20+85% of new cases of people ”fully 💉💉vaccinated”Could the Israeli’s apply for a refund from the💉 sellers ? If any other product failed like this, you’d want a refund💰

Kein Mehrwert durch Impfung auf Basis der Daten aus Israel letzte Juni Woche – erste Juli Woche #

die Daten stellt die israelische Regierung zur Verfügung
Samples sind ist nicht sonderlich groß. Das Ergebnis muss vor diesem Hintergrund zurückhaltend interpretiert werden.

  • Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit einer Impfung so gut wie keinerlei effektiver Schutz vor einer Infektion verbunden ist
  • Auf Basis dieser Ergebnisse muss man zu dem Ergebnis kommen, dass Impfungen eine Geldverschwendung erster Güte sind

Update 05.08. – Mittlerweile 95% der schweren Verläufe in Israel bei geimpften Personen #

  • “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated”.
  • “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people.”
  • “We are opening more and more COVID wards.” “
  • The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out”

Servus TV – postiv Fälle in Israel #

Immerhin – ca 20% weniger Krankenhaus Patienten in Isreal in 2021 vs 2020 #

Heute wie vor einem Jahr – Israel rotz Impfung mit gleicher Anzahl von Corona-Toten. Was bringt die Impfung? #

Ben M. on Twitter: “What exactly did the vaccine achieve?Israel has exactly as many #covid deaths today, as last year.#Israel #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus / Twitter”

What exactly did the vaccine achieve?Israel has exactly as many #covid deaths today, as last year.#Israel #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus

Israel – 2 Monate von Hero to Zero #

07. August 2021 Update vom MoH in Israel – 76% der schweren Fälle geimpft #

Ran Israeli on Twitter: “According to the data that our MoH published this morning (60+):196 Severe patients->Fully vaccinated5 Severe patients->Partially vaccinated64 Severe patients->UnvaccinatedBecause ~91% of the 60+ population are vaccinated – they normalize the data and claim for a decent VE. / Twitter”

According to the data that our MoH published this morning (60+):196 Severe patients->Fully vaccinated5 Severe patients->Partially vaccinated64 Severe patients->UnvaccinatedBecause ~91% of the 60+ population are vaccinated – they normalize the data and claim for a decent VE.

Israelische Tageszeitung berichtet am 11. August, dass die mehrzahl der Fälle und auch schweren Verläufe von geimpften Personen stammen #

Number of seriously ill COVID patients rises to 400
Israel National News

15 August Update – 60% der schweren Fälle im Krankenhaus geimpft #

  • nimmt man sich die absoluten Zahlen vom Geimpften und Ungeimpften als Grundlage ergibt sich keine stat. signifikante Unterscheidung -> die Impfung verhindert keine schweren KH Fälle

22 August Update #

Ran Israeli on Twitter: “Current status, “Severe patients”:Age 60+ :Fully vaccinated->292Unvaccinated->180Partially vaccinated->10age 60- :Fully vaccinated->67Unvaccinated->114Partially vaccinated->2*Most of the younger (“60-“) patients are defined as “Severe” due to controversial definitions / Twitter”

Current status, “Severe patients”:Age 60+ :Fully vaccinated->292Unvaccinated->180Partially vaccinated->10age 60- :Fully vaccinated->67Unvaccinated->114Partially vaccinated->2*Most of the younger (“60-“) patients are defined as “Severe” due to controversial definitions

Update 26 August #

Ran Israeli on Twitter: “Severe patients (Age 60+)259->Fully vaccinated206->Unvaccinated13->Partially vaccinatedGreen pass new restrictions (8 days ago) might have caused an “artificial” increased share of positive tests (Positive Rapid antigen test->RTPCR test)Where do we go from here? Downtrend? / Twitter”

Severe patients (Age 60+)259->Fully vaccinated206->Unvaccinated13->Partially vaccinatedGreen pass new restrictions (8 days ago) might have caused an “artificial” increased share of positive tests (Positive Rapid antigen test->RTPCR test)Where do we go from here? Downtrend?

Financial Times – Israel – Cases, Geimpft vs Ungeimpft #

Israel hopes boosters can avert new lockdown as Covid vaccine efficacy fades

Positivrate von Geimpften und Ungeimpften ist gleich #

Ran Israeli on Twitter: “The number of RT-PCR tests in Israel is at all-time highs:158,429 tests were performed yesterday.Due to the “Green Passport” new restrictions – unvaccinated people are being tested more often.The share of positive tests:5.86% -> Fully vaccinated6.11% -> Not fully vaccinated / Twitter”

The number of RT-PCR tests in Israel is at all-time highs:158,429 tests were performed yesterday.Due to the “Green Passport” new restrictions – unvaccinated people are being tested more often.The share of positive tests:5.86% -> Fully vaccinated6.11% -> Not fully vaccinated

Ran Israeli on Twitter: “I agree.The data shows the vaccines are capable of preventing deaths&sevre hospitalizations.However, the Israeli data shows that after only 5-6 months they are not able to prevent the transmission.Maybe the third booster will flatten the curve (a bit). / Twitter”

I agree.The data shows the vaccines are capable of preventing deaths&sevre hospitalizations.However, the Israeli data shows that after only 5-6 months they are not able to prevent the transmission.Maybe the third booster will flatten the curve (a bit).

Israel meldete gestern mehr Fälle als an jedem anderen Tag seit Beginn der Pandemie #

Israel vs. Schweden #

Das Beispiel Israel – wie Politiker ihre Augen vor Daten und Fakten verschließen #

  • interessanter Artikel wie trotz eindeutiger Datenlage Politiker die Augen verschließen und gegen jede wissenschaftliche Grundlage den Weg in die Irre fortsetzen

USA und Deutschland erklären Israel zum Hochrisikogebiet #

Israel – Erfolg einer einzigartigen Impfkampagne #

Sterbedaten für August: #

Quelle: hier / hier

Israel Doctor with huge Statement: Geimpfte erkranken schwerer und länger #

14 Sep 2021 – Dr Joseph (Yossi) Tchebiner – Deputy Head of Corona Ward Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv
One of the largest and most respective hospitals in Israel

  • “Die Ungeimpften erkranken kürzer und oft weniger schwer, während die Geimpften eine längere Infektion haben, die immer wieder auftritt und schwerer ist.
Source: Twitter ; Video

Boosters #