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What these health officials and scientific advisory boards have done is not just shameless exploitation. It is scientific fraud, with real, serious, and deadly consequences for all those whose lives are being destroyed by lockdowns. This fear-driven public messaging reinforces the idea that if you want to save grandma, you must control the behaviour of people living out in the community, outside of institutional walls. It reinforces the myth that lockdowns work. That lockdowns save lives. That masks and social distancing and well-behaved pastors and hairdressers are the key to keeping everyone safe.
Dr. Jay Battacharya “Stanford University – Pulblic Health”: Angst war leider eine explizit und gewollte Politik der Regierungen #
6. Juli 2021
“Much of the broad support for lockdowns in the public comes out of a place of fear. And that fear was unfortunately an explicit government policy…That is a violation of a basic principle of public health.”
Michael P Senger on Twitter: “Dr. Jay Battacharya: “Much of the broad support for lockdowns in the public comes out of a place of fear. And that fear was unfortunately an explicit government policy…That is a violation of a basic principle of public health.” / Twitter”
Dr. Jay Battacharya: “Much of the broad support for lockdowns in the public comes out of a place of fear. And that fear was unfortunately an explicit government policy…That is a violation of a basic principle of public health.”